Your (former) Quizzomaster and Scorebabe: Ready for Action

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We saved Eastern Market all by ourselves!

Wow, Wowie and Wowsers. What a great turn out tonight. The place was pizz-acked with good friends, new and old. Wall to wall. Not that we've never been wall to wall before, but let's just say, it's been a month or two before it was REALLY packed. Very nice. Very nice indeed.

We instigated Operation Blog tonight with Rebecca taking pics of the winning teams (note to self: question next week on Operation Dumbo Drop) which seemed to go well. We also were raising money for Eastern Market Rescue and I have to say, the people there tonight GOT it. I mean, I'd like to think they were there for Quizzo, but they were mostly there for a burned out shell of a market and that meant so much more to me. At last count we had raised over 20 million dollars. Or maybe just twenty. I don't remember. Let's say somwhere in between right now. Full details to follow.

There were four or five teams made up of former regulars who made the trek back to the Pour House and it was really fun to see them back. Jose, Akiva, Andy, Cherie, Olivia, Ashley, Rob, Tom, Josh (I feel like the Romper Room woman with her magic mirror; or for you kids, Prince with his magic mask...): folks we haven't seen in weeks to months. Great to have you all back. But of course the regulars who never left, y'all's the shit. And Emily even brought the girls out (not pictured ... yet) and they helped her team win ... twice! Way to go!

So let's recap how the kids did tonight (best possible score, as always, is 40-ish):

GAME 1 Who doesn't love a threeway? Needed two tiebreakers to break it!

Bill Clinton's Anti-AIDS Strategy 32 (1st)

45 Days in Paris 32 (2nd)

Subpoena Colada 32 (Third)

And their challengers...
Queen Went to the Derby and Became my Old Kentucky Ho 31
One Night in Paris II: Big Momma's Turn 31
Clavins 30
Fort Dix Terrorists: Shooting Blanks 29
Her Majesty's Arsonists 27
LA's Gonorrhea Epidemic Abated for 45 Days 27
Jim and Me 25
Katy's Last Night at Quizzo 24 (Bye Katy!)
We Didn't Start the Fire 20
The Team at the Bar 19
Paris Storms the Bastille 18
Saving the Market One Beer at a Time 16

(Theme Name: What's the worst thing that could be done with the Eastern Market site?)

George W. Bush Commemorative Libary 35

Capitol Disney 33 (Our other double winners of the night)

Clavins 32 (Tiebreaker winners)

And the runners-up...
Rosie O'Donnell Apparel Museum 32
House the Georgetown Library 31
Basra Visitor's Center 29
Marion Barry's Snow Machine, LLC 28
Monorail? Monorail! 28
Build New National's Stadium 28
andguns Whole Sale 28
Build a Starbucks 26
Strangle It, Rape It, Murder It and Throw It in the Ocean 26
Dubya Institute for Foreign Affairs 12


Unknown said...

I always knew the girls would be famous somehow. Did they earn the $50 winnings all by themselves? Damn alcohol...

Anonymous said...
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Yr. Hmbl. & Obdt. said...

A local business with a long history and a loyal customer base? This was no accident...I smell the dark hand of Walmart behind this nefarious deed. Quickly, Boy Wonder, to the Batmobile! (Cue funky '60s groove.)

Eric said...

Good call with the blog, Neal. Welcome to the year 2000!