Your (former) Quizzomaster and Scorebabe: Ready for Action

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Six years of bitching and moaning

So where the hell have I been? Do you know? Do you care? (A Phil Collins song, yes? Discuss.)

It's been an odd month. I had surgery. (here's a picture of me shaved down, ladies. Enjoy.) And yes, it takes three holes to take out one appendix nowadays. Inflation I guess. Then I got a little sick. Then I went back to Cali for my high school reunion. Then I got really super sick. But now I'm all better. I know this is all very fascinating... and through it all work has been the busiest its ever been (literally) in the 6 years I've been here. (Oh, quick plug: there's a Pay-What-You-Can matinée performance of The Taming of the Shrew this Sunday at 2:00. If you have a hankering for inexpensive classic theatre, come on down and pay as much or as little as you see fit. You cheap bastards.)

Speaking of being here six years, yes last week was our/my six year anniversary of doing Quizzo at the Pour House. I was supposed to start 9/11/01 but a terrorist attack in New York and at the Pentagon happened. Did you read about that? Anyway, I started a week after that with four teams (three of which were groups from work, thanks for the support!) and I didn't have a microphone and I just stood in the middle of the bar yelling questions at people. Did it like that for about four months before someone thought to get me a mike. Shortly thereafter I got a scorebabe which is way cooler than a mike. The game was pretty much the same as it is now, but there was no theme-name round, no half-time show and all the speed rounds were made of wood. The bar was a little crazier then. Ladies used to flash for bonus points, we used to have free rounds of shots for the speedround winners and on more than one occasion the evening ended with ladies dancing on the bar. Well, at least for our six year anniversary we did get one brave young lady named Layla to dance on the bar for us (pictured here).

I'm not saying it was better in the past, just different.

The staff still changes from time to time, but the bartenders and servers have almost all been uniformly great (if they're not, they usually don't last long). We've had lots of regulars. I know a lot of you think you're the most die hard team we've ever had, but there were really great die hard teams before you (The Regulars, Mama Sharkey's crew, e.g.) and there will be new die hard teams when you eventually move on. We won't mind, we'll probably still be here.

Frankly, I don't know how much longer I'll be doing Quizzo. I hope to God I won't be doing it six more years from now and yes, every now and then I entertain the idea of just signing off at the end of a really good night with a "so long, suckers!" and just never come back. But I also know, I like the crowd, I like the money, I like rocking the mike and I like knowing no matter how bad my day was (and I do come in to the bar a little grumpy sometimes), I know that after a few rounds of questions and a few rounds of beers I'll forget all about my boss, my bills, my problems for at least a little while. And that's usually reason enough to keep me coming back. Thanks for a great six years everybody.


$30 WINNER - Ah-madinejad? No, You're Adinejad! 34

$20 WINNER - Persian Rug Munchers 33

$10 WINNER - Hey, It's Enrico Palazzo! 32

Iranian Rainbow Coalition 26
Krodgblat 26
Raiding the Holocaust Museum with OJ and Ahmadinejad 27
At Least He Went Quietly 27
J 25
Ahmadinejad's Boy Toys 29
Red-Headed Jew 19
Necrophilia: the Victimless Crime 30
Jack Bauer Didn't Drive Drunk, He's Infiltrating Yakuza 30
The Rogue Nipples 15
Chicken Out 15
Ahmadinejad Secretly Loved Showtunes 15

GAME TWO (Favorite L Words)

$30 WINNER - Ligers 35

$20 WINNER - Liechtenstein 24

$10 - Leering, Leprous, Lascivious Leprechauns 31

Lickalotapus 29
La'crodgbladt 27
Lieutenant Dan's Legs 29
Lick My Balls 29
Chicken Out 23
Lugubriously 27
Love's Labia Lost
Liberace's Lithe In Iran 24
L-ien 29
Lesbians Love Leftover Labia 24
Lost (cubed) 21
Loopy 13
No Name 14
Energy 15


Anonymous said...

Actually, these pictures look like this past Quizzo (9/25). I don't remember any of these team names from the 6th anniversary. Plus, I'm not in any of them. -Eric

Anonymous said...

Hmm, looks like I can't redact comment, as it appears I'm unable to scroll down, so I'll just grovel instead. Forgive me, wise Quizzomaster! -Eric