Your (former) Quizzomaster and Scorebabe: Ready for Action

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sing for me, Kraus!

Well I don't know about you people, but I had a fun night. It was hot as hot balls, Alexis brought brownies for Emily's birthday and the substitute scorebabe found her sea legs eventually (I think the beer helped) and not only held her own against the rabble, but scored a phone number at the same time. Will she call the number? Will this chance encounter lead to romance? Will there be more phone numbers emailed to me to forward to her based on her picture on this site? Stay tuned to find out!

Yes, whilst the Scorebabe Proper (Rebecca) was home nursing herself back to health after coming down with at least four of the maladies on last week's communicable diseases handout (wipe down those public toilet seats!), scorebabe substitute (Vanessa) amiably did her best to learn the ropes, master the squirrelly sound system and tempermental camera and politely endure Schwartz' awkward advances (the only kind of advance he knows...) And, yes, she was wooed by a Latin lothario with a quick smile and a clever note written on the animation handout. The fact that he wrote it on the picture of the giant clitoris from South Park:Bigger, Longer and Uncut could either be a warning sign or a favorable omen depending on one's point of view... Vanessa may be back as soon as next week when Scorebabe Supreme will be away doing her girlfriendly duty (I said duty) by taking my daughter to see a certain timeless musical that everyone in the world has seen except herself, subjecting them both to some of the most beautifully torturous earworms mankind has ever known. Thanks for taking one for the team, Becca! BTW, I'm proud to say that I saw Phantom in LA with Robert Guillaume, TV's Benson, as the titular character and that fact is totally freaking awesome!!!By the by, neither of us can Quizzo on July 3rd. I'll go through my usual compliment of stand-ins but I make no promises. It's a holiday week, you see. More info as we know it.

So blah, blah, blah, the Clavins won twice (I know you're all itching for me to reveal their Achilles Heel, not yet...), but the really exciting news is team Get Off the Stage took a prize. Becca and I have been rooting for them for weeks ever since they defected from Fado to partake in Pour House Quizzo. This is their first time in the winner's circle and we're delighted they've finally broken through. Woo and hoo. See y'all next week. Be courteous, kind and forgiving.


Clavins 40

Tim is Duncan his Balls in Lebron's Mouth 32 (tie break winners)

Ben Gay Wrestling Party 32

Nifong Lacrossed Out 29

Snyders of Hangover 29

Gaza Strip Club Under New Management 28

With What Is In These Pants Satisfaction Guaranteed 27

Ocean’s Four 25

Stick the Royal Harry, Willy in the Gaza Strip 25

When the Gay Casbah’s a-Rockin’ Don’t Come a-Knockin’ 24

Poor-o at the Quiz House 24

Clavins Are the Skid Marks on the Underpants of Society 19

I Should’ve Showed Up at 4:30 to Get a Table Like I Said I Would 19

Chris Matthews Stop Staring at Hillary’s Boobs 17

Sucka D 17

Diesel Knowledge 13

The Three Must Getabeers 4

GAME TWO (Great name for all-girl rock band)

The Clavins 35

Get Off the Stage 30

The Landing Strips 27

Ride My Little Pony 26

Clitallica 26

Snyders of Hangover 24

Titties with Ditties 24

Liz Zeppelin 23

Eager Beavers 22

Puss Galore 20

Poor-o at the Quiz House 21

Brownies Without Nuts 21

Josie and the Pussycat Big Valley of the Dolls 19

Twat Wafflers 19


Anonymous said...

Hurrah for our Fado refugees! And happy birthday, Emily! Man, I always get sick at the worst times. Miss you guys. xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks, it was the best birthday party I've had since I was a kid at Chuck E Cheese. And the Golden Girls question was a nice touch, Neal :) Wow, I feel special. Next week is going to be a pretty big let down when I just some random drunk chick in the crowd.

Anonymous said...

The collective members of Get Off the Stage (who still maintain that Alien won) thank you for filling Round 3 with stuff we actually knew. We're still very proud of the team member who got the Glen Close question right.