Your (former) Quizzomaster and Scorebabe: Ready for Action

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Long Time Gone

Hi all. Score Babe here, apologizing for the two week break we've taken from the blog. As you likely know, Neal is very busy these days with the opening of the brand spanking new Harman Center for the Arts. Hell, I hardly see him, and we live together. It's exciting stuff, though, and I promise Daddy still loves you.

As for our absence tonight, Neal is off at work again, and I'm home with a mercifully mild flu. In addition to gorging myself on daytime TV (thank you, Lifetime), I finally watched Harold and Maude, which was really charming and funny (sort of like The Graduate with a heart). It made me feel much better about the 8 years separating Neal and me.

I'm going to do my best to catch up the blog tonight, but I'll likely mix up photos and team names. Remember, I'm sick. So be kind.

Stay well, kids!

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