Your (former) Quizzomaster and Scorebabe: Ready for Action

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Black Tuesday

As usual, the Quizzo of Thanksgiving week was sad and empty. Barely more than a dozen teams and plenty of standing room. I arrived late and still left early. And if you'd been there you could have walked away with a win with fewer than 30 points. Well, granted, we had a lot of tough questions this week that kept the scores low: like what band released the Brown Album in 1997? and in what country do the Tigris and Euphrates originate? and who gave us this line in a 1994 movie: "You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you?" C'mon people, that's your wheelhouse, how do you miss that?

Anyway, despite the small numbers and the challenging game, it was still a fun time for all. So says I. Now I must go cover and store the corn pudding. (I'm not making this up) Happy Slapsgiving!


First Place ($30) Can't Wait to Get My Hands on Grandma's Yams 33

Second Place ($20) Elbows Deep Turkey Fisters 31

Third Place ($10) Clavins 28

Truffle Shuffle 21
Cash Crop 8
Milk Duds for Jesus 10
The Rumble Strips 17
Touched by an Uncle 13
Stinky McStink Stink 20
The Flying Monkeys 26
Khmer Rouge? Is that a new lipstick? 17
El Fuego 17
The Turkeys the President Didn't Pardon 14
This Thanksgiving a Different Hokie Bird if Getting Stuffed 27

GAME TWO - The Best Part of Lindsay Lohan's 84 Minutes in Prison

First Place ($30) Bangin' on the Floor 27 (Tiebreak Weiners)

Second Place ($20) Finally Not Being the Skankiest Whore on the Block 27

Third Place ($10) Elbow Deep Turkey Fisting 26

Lohan Blows a She-man 22
Snorting Blow from Herbie's Trunk
Firecrotch Resistant Pantsuit 19
Clavins 25
Trading Beaver Shots for Lines of Coke 19
She Got Herpes the Love Bug 18
Jailpony 14
Filmed 3 Shower Scenes for Caged Heat IV 25
Pooping a Cocaine Condom 22

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