For the first time in blog history, we will skip an entry. Here's the thing - October 30 is a blur (literally, in the case of the pictures). Beer was consumed. Silly hats were worn. Good times. Enough said.
Eric, who filled in for us last week while Neal was working and I was ailing, has kindly summarized his experience below. Many thanks to Eric and Bettina for keeping things going in our absence. Go Team
See you kids tonight at the Pour House.
It's a long and boring story how I came to host
Quizzo, but hey, I've got nothing better to do... Originally, our multi-talented
scorebabe Rebecca was on tap to step in for Neal, and our winsome coworker was set to act as replacement
scorebabe. It would've been good times. (see Fig. 1, Topless Pillow Fight) Unfortunately for everyone,
Rebecca was laid low by illness caught on the frozen steppes of Miami, Florida, and a new
Quizzo Master was needed. I was tending my plow on a farm in Tuscany when the
Racioppo legation approached bearing the laurel wreath of the
Imperator Quizzonis. I would assume command of the campaign against the hordes of Capitol Hill, as long as I returned to my bar stool once it was over. After a moment of stoic contemplation, I accepted with a heavy heart.
Heh. Who am I kidding, I was pumped.
So yeah, there was indeed a vast barbarian horde of trivia-goers, and most of you actually stayed to the end. You have my thanks, because keeping this game moving, while getting
everyone's score and team name correct, is a little tough. It also doesn't help when Neal gives me incorrect answers. On purpose. Jerk.
There were an inordinate number of tie scores in this game. I've since lost the tiebreaker results, so I'll trust you guys to remember if you won or not. Thanks everyone, for a pleasant emceeing experience!
I almost forgot to thank my winsome
scorebabe for the evening, Bettina, who took the job despite my burgeoning megalomania.
We Have No Name Because Our Writers Are on Strike - 25
Bettina's Half-
Assed Bitches - 24
By the Many Arms of Baby Vishnu! - 17
Lowered Expectations - 30
Britney's Legal Team - 12
The Writer Who Normally Chooses Our Team Name is on Strike - 36 (1st place in
Quizzo and awkwardly-phrased team name)
Just the Tip - 25
Peter Nincompoop 2K7 - 9
Tip Your Waiter, You Cheap Bastards - 26
Only Pakistan Needs Democracy - 20
Beancounterz - 24
Tweedledumb and
Tweedledumber - 29
Shakespeare is Overrated - 30
Good Guys, Hot Girls, Hotter Bouncers - 29
[Intentionally Left Blank, Writers on Strike] - 30
Our 8-legged Babies - 23
Soul Ponies - 14
GAME 2 (What is Neal doing that's so important instead of hosting
Scorebabe and Sister - 28
Wondering Why You Wait So Fucking Long Between Rounds - 6 [Bite me - ed.]
Peter Nincompoop 2k7 - 16
Hello, My Name Is... - 11
Lovin' Labia's Lost - 28
Teabagging Avery Brooks - 28
Scorebabe's Sister - 30 (1st)
Taking in More Seamen than the Naval Yard - 30
Trying to Get a Real Job - 28
Waterboarding the Other
Scorebabe - 28
Your Mom - 22
Beancounterz - 21
Fluffing Chuck Norris - 26
Pimping Marlowe to the Idealist for $10 - 24
Better Late than Pregnant - 4