Nine cities. Over $600 in cash and prizes. Time for some fun.
I met Johnny Goodtimes when he came through town last year on a cross country blogging tour. He sat in for a round of Tuesday night Quizzo and served up some good, tough questions for DC's finest audience to tangle with. Oh, and he got heckled a lot too.
Well, that heckling must have stuck in his craw a bit because he came up with an idea to pit Philly against DC in a vicious no-holds barred trivia throwdown. Well, maybe he had the idea after he'd already gotten confirmations from Seattle and Denver, but the point is we are now one of nine (NINE!) cities participating in this behemoth of a thing. Each city's Quizzomaster is pitching in 50 bucks towards a $300 grand prize plus a $150 second place grand prize. Sounds good, huh? However, because not all cities could play on the same night, we will not know the winning cities until late Tuesday or possibly Wednesday. (Check this blog to learn the results!) And because I know you kids need instant gratification in your lives, the good folks down at the Pour House are kicking in bartabs and cash for the top three DC teams ($100, $50 and $20).
So how will it work? It will work thusly: There's a $10 buy-in per team and your team cannot exceed 8 members. The game is five rounds with each round getting increasingly harder for increasingly more points. And knowing the guys who are putting the questions together (and I don't) these are going to be some tasty, tough questions.
A few more things: There's no jokering, there will be one audio round (perhaps a disadvantage for DC since you people never shut up) and there will be special Delta Force level tie-breaker mechanisms in place for both DC team vs DC team tie breaking as well as city vs city tie breakage. Trust me. This is going to work.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask me immediately after the game on Monday because I really do care.Now I know you people are already spending your winnings in your heads on phone bills, Play Stations and heart felt Mother's Day cards, but let me remind you what the most important part of this little international trivia tourney is: Bragging Rights! Mine. Not yours. I don't know if you're aware, but DC is considered a bottom feeder in this thing. They think we're a joke. Odds are being laid on the side that we're going to lose to everyone, including Ottawa. I wish I were making this up. Please, kids, please. When you come to play on Monday (and I know you're coming) I need you to bring it. Bulk up on pasta, re-read A Separate Peace, spend the weekend watching reruns of Charles in Charge, memorize the complete biography of Jim Varney if you must, do whatever you have to do to ensure your team gets a win. Because when the dust settles on this bad boy we want to see the District of Columbia, the little district who could, standing above the battered, bloated carcases of the other laughably pathetic cities. Bring it, DC. I know you can do it.
Ah, I remember the good old days when my family would gather by the fire and grandpa would read to us from the Donkey Kong Proverbs.
Wow. Score babe's childhood sounds way better than mine. We had to memorize a whole passage from the Book of Q-bert every week, and recite it in front of the whole clan. If we got so much as a syllable wrong--and do you know how hard it is to recite s*** that's written BACKWARDS?--we got thrown down the ceremonial pyramid of steps and were then forced to hop back up. Sideways. It was not easy. Ah, the cults that raised me after my parents left me at that highway rest area. So many repressed memories, so many 3:00 a.m. night-terror freak-outs...
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