Twice today someone asked me how the City vs. City Smackdown went and instead of giving them the rundown of winners and losers, I told them to read my blog. What. A. Dick. Oy. I mean, I'm a bit of a dick in the first place, I recognize that. But to become that kind of a dick ... that's just sad. I promise to change instantly.
So speaking of the butt-kicking we took from Ottawa (ooh, I said I wasn't going to mention that agian didn't I?), let’s do a City vs.City post mortem shall we? What worked for you? What didn’t? Give me some feedback. Now, what I learned from this hootenanny is that just because nine people in as many major metropolises (metropoli?) call what they do "Quizzo" doesn't mean they're all the same thing. They ain't. My Quizzo finch is living on a different island of the Galapagos than their Quizzo finch. It was the same critter once but now theirs has a longer wingspan and ours has a sharp curved beak good for cracking seeds. Not saying one'sgood and one's bad. There's room for all God's chitlins. From CvC it just seems DC's audience digs that crazy pop culture while everyone else seems really enthusiastic about world geography. They also follow the fine traditions of Quiz Bowl style questions whilst I happily rip off You Don’t Know Jack with too many doouble entendres thrown in. Maybe if we do this again I’ll lobby to have a few more, um, entertaining questions put into the mix... Ouch. OK, in fairness the audio round was colossally, cosmically awesome and I feel like a tool for not giving the Pour House crowd such aural pleasures long, long ago; it's on my list of things to do. I swear. Aural pleasure coming your way.
It would appear our Badger Claw style was no match for their Whooping Crane technique.
Yeah, so the audio round was pretty awesome, but otherwise, I don't think you should fix what ain't broke. The pop culture fixation, the double entendres, they're what make this trivia night so vastly superior to others I've attended.
I'd also prefer not having to pay to play, but I'm usually at the Pour House from 5:30 on, so I end up spending a bit o' cash.
Why should I--why should *any* of us--help you out? You're That Guy, now. You're a dick. A total dick. And copping to being a dick while still being a dick? Seriously dickish. Dick you, dick, and I dick you dick with a dick and dick dick dick dick dick dick dick. Dick dick. Dick.
The thing is, I come out to DC Quizzo because I like it the way it is. And I think a lot of us feel that way. The City vs. City Smackdown was fun for an every once in a while type of thing, but I really enjoy the pop culture, mostly since that's all I really bring to the table trivia-wise. The audio round was great, and could easily fit in with our Pourhouse style of Quizzo. But Neal, we show up because we like it. Don't let those other cities and their high-fallutin' "knowledge" make you question your style.
john from Geeks Who Drink in Denver. We usually do more pop culture stuff and more material that's just downright raunchy. City vs City was about trying to stay somewhat safe and cover all our bases since there were so many different audiences. In the future it might be fun to do a city vs. city TV quizzo or something to that effect.
Neal - Our team HATES world geography - guess we were too busy passing notes in middle and high school during that class, or perhaps even cutting the class completely...we love the pop culture stuff and freakish facts questions. The audio round was very cool and would be sweet to try at regular quizzo sometime. Julie, Todd, Karrie and Laura
John, I'm glad to hear the tradition of combining mindless entertainment with childish sexual references is not purely a DC phenomenon. BTW, a tip: slip the word "titular" into your questions. The crowd goes wild.
Titular, huh? I've used craptacular and craptastic a bunch but not titular. Will give it a test drive.
We're doing a round on Saturday entitled: People Who Should Be Pushed Down a Flight of Stairs and Skull Fucked to Death.
Brush up on your Ann Coulter...
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